Monday, December 1, 2008


Our Grandma, Uncle Steve, and cousins Taylor and Brooklyn came over for Thanksgiving, which was a typical Johnson-Lesch gathering... We ate lots of wonderful food, most of which was prepared by Grandma, then had multiple desserts, and then had a cheese ball and crackers for dinner. In keeping with tradition, the evening included watching "Seinfeld" episodes, reading entertainment magazines, and playing Balderdash.

A few of the more laughable quotes from the day:

Me: "Brooklyn, are those your real eyelashes?"
Brooklyn: "Yep, It's all in the mascara."
Me: "What are you using?"
Uncle Steve: "Tar."

"Food that's not translucent freaks me out." - Megan, in response to creamy Jell-o.

"Oh, that Joe's in trouble. He broke up with that girl." - Grandma, speaking (unprovoked) of Joe Jonas

"What the Negroes do when they play music." - Mom, in her Balderdash definition for the word "Tappen."

"More heavy gravy?" - Taylor, quoting the "Seinfeld" episode in which Jerry, George, and Elaine drug Jerry's girlfriend in order to play with her toy collection

I'm pretty stoked to go back home for Christmas for more family reunions.

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